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At NAD Global we conduct ourselves with ethics and honesty, being consistent
with what we think, we say and do, taking responsibility for our actions.

Since our inception we have been characterized by providing excellent services
framework of transparency and integrity, permeating our values to each of our collaborators.

Ethical values and principles are a crucial factor to generate the trust of our clients,
therefore, we have developed a comprehensive ethical system that allows us to ensure that, rights
of our collaborators, clients, suppliers and business associates are always respected.

NAD listens to me is the communication channel of our Comprehensive Ethical System and is the means to
report unethical conduct in a confidential, safe and practical way. The system is operated by
EthicsGlobal, an independent third party specialized in the management of this type of reports.

At NAD Global we conduct ourselves with ethics and honesty, being consistent with what we think, we say and do, taking responsibility for our actions.

Since our inception we have been characterized by providing excellent services within a framework of transparency and integrity, permeating our values to each of our collaborators.

Ethical values and principles are a crucial factor to generate the trust of our clients, therefore, we have developed a comprehensive ethical system that allows us to ensure that, rights of our collaborators, clients, suppliers and business associates are always respected.

NAD listens to me is the communication channel of our Comprehensive Ethical System and is the means to report unethical conduct in a confidential, safe and practical way. The system is operated by EthicsGlobal, an independent third party specialized in the management of this type of reports.

Visit NAD listens to me website and make your report